The Easton Cowfolk Cricket Club was formed in 2022 to reastablish a cricket team to represent the wider club. After having had a year of net sessions and a few friendlies, we have now entered The North Somerset Cricket League for the 2023 season. The League is a Sunday league of 40 over games that takes place from May through to September. The home pitch will be at the Rose Green centre in Whitehall. Cricket nets during the season will also be at Rose Green.
We are looking for players to join whether it be just for nets, a few games or the whole season. The League is an adult league for over 14’s, however we are happy for under 14’s to attend nets with appropriate adult supervision. Membership is open to all under the Easton Cowfolk Clubs principals of anti- racist, anti-sexist, anti-fascist, anti-homophobic and anti-transphobic. We respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
Absolute beginners welcome!
For more information go to Easton Cowfolk Cricket club facebook

2023 fixtures – supporters welcome!

Team News
Cricket BGM
There is a B.G.M. For the Cowfolk Cricket Club on Monday 6th February at 7.30 – 9.30 at Easton Community Centre.Please attend as the season will soon be upon us and we need more people to get involved as players and in organising.For more information go to Easton Cowfolk Cricket club facebook or text 07743484299 to join the whatsapp group.
read moreCricket – players wanted!
In 2018 the then membership of the Easton Cowboys Cricket Club voted to leave the Easton Cowboys/Cowgirls Club and form the Easton Cuttlefish Cricket Club. This left the Club with a number of players but no organised cricket team. Now after a couple of years and the intervention of Covid we have a team. The Easton Cowfolk Cricket Club was formed in 2022 to reastablish a cricket team to represent the wider club. After having had a year of net sessions and a few friendlies, we have now entered The North Somerset Cricket League for the 2023...
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Midday start. 6 aside fast cricket, all welcome, bring a team or just show up and join one. Beer, lager and fruit juice, Veggie and non-veggie BBQ, free sex and...
read moreHallowe’en Ceilidh Barn Dance
Hallowe’en Ceilidh Barn Dance at Easton Community Centre on Friday 31st October Ceilidhs /Barn Dances have a caller (Phil Bassingdale) that teaches everyone the dance and the band (The Molecatchers) play the music. No experience needed and wear fancy dress or what you like. Dancing starts around 7.30pm til 11.30 and there will be a bar and food. Tickets are £7 from or from Evan Gibbons. Under 14s free with paying adult (as kids love a ceilidh). Proceeds to be shared between the cricket club and...
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