Los Autônomos News

JD has reported that Manu Chau has been seen wearing a Autônomos F.C. shirt at a recent free gig in Sao Paulo. Below is a photo of the man himself and yes he is wearing such an item (sorry for the press agency copyright splashed on the top of the picture but our budget does not stretch to buying in photos, it makes him look like he is performing in a shop window).

Manu Chau in an FC Autonomos shirt.

Manu Chau in an FC Autonomos shirt.

Also if you happen to be in Sao Paulo this weekend FC Autonomos are having a little party, Google Translate reports thus:

Ok, I have heard that such autonomy but that football has to do with politics? Football with punk rock?

If you have already asked this, is there a third party to give you an Autonomous light.

Punk rock, hardcore, soccer championship Button (bring your team) and a debate on exactly that freaked a lot of grown men and grown men chasing a ball – but in our case, the guys on the other team a lot. .. sometimes carry batons and guns.

In the bargain, you still get a sticker or a button Auto if it comes with the shirt of your team’s heart.

Those concerned that we will always wonder about it, we will also have shirts for sale on time.


Sweet Suburbia – 77 punk rock in the style of the UK. http://www.myspace.com/sweetsuburbia

Boarding School – 80’s rock, 70, 60, surf music and cheesy humor.

Victim – representing the female wing, because football and punk rock is not just your boyfriend, the girls of the victim make a sound and lively dancing, brought in a British female rock 70s and 80s. With nothing written yet.*

Light Middle East – Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Dry Eye. They said it looks like, but what’s new in the case of a hardcore band 80 years? Well, you had people who saw Minutemen and the Strokes with listen. Bizarro? As far as the band’s name, making his first show. With nothing written yet.*

*Another translation site says this means “Without anything carved still” but Babel Fish says “Without nothing recorded still”.

If somebody can do a better job at translating this please send it in. The original is as follows:

Então tá, já ouvi falar desse tal de Autônomos, mas que que tem a ver futebol com política? Futebol com punk rock?

Se você já se perguntou isso, está aí a terceira Festa Autônoma pra te dar uma luz.

Punk rock, hardcore, campeonato de futebol de botão (traga seu time!) e um debate exatamente sobre esse treco de um monte de marmanjos e marmanjas correndo atrás de uma bola – só que, no nosso caso, os marmanjos do outro time muitas …vezes portam cacetetes e revólveres.

De quebra, você ainda ganha um adesivo ou um button do Auto se vier com a camisa do teu time do coração.

Aos interessados que sempre nos questionam sobre isso, teremos também camisas do time à venda no dia.


Sweet Suburbia – punk rock 77 no melhor estilo Reino Unido. http://www.myspace.com/sweetsuburbia

Colégio Interno – rock anos 80, 70, 60, surf music e humor brega.

Vítima – representando a ala feminina, porque futebol e punk rock não são só pro seu namorado, as meninas do Vítima fazem um som dançante e animado, numa levada rock feminino britânico anos 70 e 80.
Sem nada gravado ainda.

Meio Médio Ligeiro – Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Olho Seco. Disseram que parece isso, mas qual a novidade em se tratando de uma banda de hardcore anos 80? Bom, é que teve gente que enxergou Minutemen e Strokes junto ao escutar. Bizarro? Tanto quanto o nome da banda, que faz seu primeiro show.
Sem nada gravado ainda.

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