Fantasy B Team Update
- Easton Orient, Chas, 311pts
- No Name, Paul C, 301pts
- Cee u next Tuesday, Willy S, 299.5pts
- Philfys Army. Phil G, 292.5pts
- Your Mum, Jess, 290.5pts
- Zurdos, Zoe, 288.5pts
- Shit-Heads, Ash Sands, 285.5pts
- Jack in the box, Jack Daniells, 281pts
- Team Gwatch, Plym, 281pts
- Wilfred’s Wonderboys, Wilf, 281pts
- RAF, Roger, 279pts
- The Puppies, Khaled, 276pts
- Maestro Munters, Marcus, 273pts
- The Smith’s, Paul Smith, 267.5pts
- Shoot the Gaffer, David O, 258pts
- Oni City, Dixon, 252pts
- Dom’s Deviants, Dom, 251pts
- Owen’s Testices, Phil A, 251pts
- The Dandy Crackers, Kev, 249.5pts
- Dave Owen’s Groin, Rich, 247pts
- Sad Puppies, Steve N, 244pts
- FC Cunty, Charlie, 243.5pts
- Donkey Dicks, Steve W, 240pts
- Jack Offs, Jack K, 240pts
- Wayne’s Tigers, Wayne, 232pts
- Knight Riders, Knighty, 221pts
- Red Robbo, Dave M, 219pts
- Jacob Allsort, Nige W, 210pts
- Left foot first, Nick D, 198.5pts
- Aggro-Negro Sportif, Ruth, 198pts
- The Green Knight, Aruna, 192pts
- Wiley’s All Stars, JW, 185pts
- Mr Nice, Malcolm, 173pts
- Knee Bother, Jock, 130pts