Cowfolk film night – Rojava
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Venue: Easton Community Centre
The Cowfolk invite you to join us for two informative and inspiring film nights to learn, discuss and reflect upon two very important causes close to our hearts.
Friday 4th November 6.30-8.30pm – Palestine
Short films made by our very own Cowboy Jesse, Cowgirl Harry, and Blu from Republic Internationale that document Cowfolk football tours of the West Bank of Palestine in 2011, 2014 and 2018. We also have a short presentation from Peace talking about his recent volunteering experiences in the West Bank this year. Becs will also talk about an opportunity to go to Hebron and Bethlehem in March next year to join the Bethlehem Marathon (There is also 5k, 10k etc and lots of people walk!). Finally, we will open up a Q&A and open discussion about future football tours to Palestine.

Saturday 3rd December 6.30-8.30pm – Rojava
Heard of the Rojava revolution but not sure what people are talking about? Come check out this introductory chat and film screening and learn a little about the Democratic experiment created by the people of North and Eastern Syria! We will be screening a short documentary called ‘Blooming in the Desert’ which tells the story of three women from Raqqa that after war and devastation are creating a new life in their home city. Afterward a cowgirl will be giving us an introductory chat about the Rojava Revolution and will be answering any questions.

We really want to encourage all Cowfolk (and friends) to come to both of these nights. In the new year we will be planning to meet again to talk about both Palestine & Rojava and discuss the connection between the Palestinian struggle and the struggle for liberation in Kurdistan and how European Nation state capitalism and colonialism still effects the region as a whole.