Let’s get the Zapatistas here!

The Zapatistas are hoping to come to the “UK”*! There are a lot of hurdles to get over first, inlcuding covid, visas and, as always, finances. In order for them not to be denied entry they need a certain amount of money in their bank account, so to help this along there is a crowdfunder. Donate to the crowdfunder here (and get some great gifts in return!), and please share.
As a lot of you know we have a long history with the Zapatistas* so let’s make sure they have a good experience coming all the way here from Mexico!
Love and solidarity, and FORZA COWFOLK
*The Zapatista Solidarity Network refers to the UK more appropriately, and recognising the autonomy of our regions, as the collective territories of Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and England, or the WISE Islands (Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England).
**For more info on the ECCSSC’s history with the Zapatistas and the Zapatista struggle in general, the Kiptik website is a good place to start, with loads of useful links.

Here is more information on the trip from the Zapatista Solidarity Network:
Sisters, brothers, hermanoas:
Zapatista Solidarity Network
Compañeras, compañeros and compañeroas:
It is with great joy, excitement and hope that we share with you the
news of the journey of the Zapatistas to Europe.
On October 2020, the Zapatistas announced their ‘planetary journey’ to
the five continents. In May 2021, seven Mayan indigenous people (4
women, 2 men and 1 non-binary person) who are part of the Zapatista
communities set off on a sailing boat across the Atlantic on an
“invasion” to Europe to mark 500 years since colonisation. The first
group, the Squad 421, arrived in The Azores, Portugal, on June 13th, and
is now on route to Spain. Plans of their journey across Europe and the
arrival of a larger delegation will be announced soon. Among other
countries, the Zapatista delegation plans to arrive in the wrongly
called United Kingdom. Collectives and compas from different cities,
towns and regions are coming together to receive them in the islands and
we call everyone to join us in this historic time to listen, share and
learn about diverse resistances and struggles for another world where
there is room for everyone [todas, todos, todoas].
This “Journey for Life” represents a historical moment, one filled with
significance and importance for decolonial movements, indigenous rights,
and the potential for European movements and grassroots organisations to
learn from the Zapatista experience in autonomy and dignity, persevered
against overwhelming odds for over a quarter century. The Zapatistas
have spoken about their planetary journey as one that will bring
together struggles, people and worldviews. We have been invited to meet
and exchange experiences about our struggles against colonialism, the
fight against patriarchal capitalism, gender violence, racism, and for
the protection of land and natural resources.
We have set up a crowdfunder to support the Zapatistas on their journey
to and travels within the “UK”, so as many people as possible have the
opportunity to meet the Zapatistas, learn about indigenous resistance,
and discuss what we in Europe can do to create a fairer, better and more
ecological world. The collected money will be used for: paying travel
expenses (including accommodation and food), covering COVID-related cost
to keep the delegation safe and supporting the compas on their trip to
other geographies. Any money which is left unused will be donated to the
Zapatista communities (Caracoles) in Chiapas, Mexico.
Please take a moment to visit the crowdfunder page with the full
information. Any donation counts and the first hours of the campaign are
critical to reach a broader audience and gather support for the
delegation!: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/zapatista-solidarity-network
You will notice that you can choose to make your donation in exchange
for a reward if you wish. We have amazing products from books, posters,
postcards, embroidered blouses. Your support is invaluable for us and we
are deeply grateful for it! Please share it with your contacts and
spread the word!
Please note that our first event in preparation for the Zapatista visit
is the Webinar ‘The Zapatistas in Europe’, TODAY Thursday 17th at 5pm
(BST). Please register here for the event: