Memories: Netters get their shinnies on
Thought I’d start a series of ‘memories’* posts (as I’m bored in isolation) to take us all down memory lane together. If you have a memory you’d like to share, send it my way
So, Beesands 2015-ish. There was no women’s tourny so we’d been watching the blokes play all weekend feeling kinda jealous. Then we realised if we roped in some of the netters lasses and put a wig on wee Charlie we’d have enough for a game against the Yard ladies. Charlie was duly wigged up and Linner, Peg and Emma sorted themselves some proper shin protection using the nearest thing to hand. A tunnel of honour was formed outside the marquee and we made our glorious entrance to the pitch led by Kaz doing his best and only aerobics routine. What happened on the pitch? Who remembers, and quite frankly who cares.

*Disclaimer: my memory is not the most reliable, maybe something to do with all that cider who knows. Any amendments, retractions, clarifications or complaints, post em below.
Ah yeah, beautiful Jimima! 🙂
I think charlie was on As well but didn’t he get sent off for being too good as the yardbirds complained? Or am
I mixing up years?!!
It wasn’t wee Charlie it was wee Jimmy! We renamed him Jimima for the day!!!