Cowgirls kickabout to protest the ‘hostile environment’
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: College Green, Bristol
We will be heading to College Green at 7pm and then Castle Park in our kits to have a kick about, wave banners and talk to people to show our opposition to the UK governments ‘hostile environment’ policy and the indefinite detention of asylum seekers.
This protest was planned in unity with our our friends Mount Pleasant Park FC in Sheffield, who contacted us after one of their members, Victor Mujakachi, was detained by the Home Office in Sheffield along with several other Zimbabweans. Victor is a prominent and active member of the community in Sheffield, including managing ASSIST’s night shelter for refused asylum-seekers, and also manages the ASSIST football team.

Victor Mujakachi

Mount Pleasant, with the support of These Walls Must Fall, are coordinating a number of football teams in the UK to stage similar kick abouts outside their nearest Home Office buildings on Thursday 16th.
Everyone is welcome to join us on Thursday. Please wear your Cowfolk shirts if possible. And if you are free tonight (Monday) there will be banner making at Soooooz’s place.
Read more and sign the petition to support Victors stay in the UK here.
And if you would like to educate yourself on the harm that detention centers cause check out These Walls Must Fall.