Neneh is a Cowgirl
So Neneh Cherry is a Cowgirl!!!!!

How did this happen?
Well it all started in a lush Sunday morning with the Ultra’s handing Mathern Casuals a 3-1 beating at Speedwell, then the obligatory drinks at HQ, which turned into a session (surprise).
Don’t know how it happened but a few intrepid Cowboys joined a crew of Cowgirls on a mission to SWX. Luckily the boys secured guest list, jumped the queue and got handed free drinks and tickets, cheers Agron!!!!
It’s all a bit blurry but we bounced around the place and when the show started headed for the balcony for prime viewing.
Then strangely my scarf found itself rolled up in my hand and….. Oh shit Nenah takes a direct hit and now Ms Cherry is adorned in a fabulous Cowfolk scarf which she wore for most of her set, which I am sure was very good.
I am sure Nenah holds dear all of our beliefs and is a more than worthy ambassador for the Cowfolk, probably more than the idiot that chucked his scarf at her.
Good news is that I got my scarf back, along with an epic hangover!!!!
So if you’re out and about and see famous people….throw things at them.
By Ian.