Nobody Likes The New Website (Except In Istanbul)

It seems that quite a few people don’t like the new website very much. I am truely sorry about this, please picture The webgimp crouched in a corner sucking his thumb, curling his hair around a fingure and rocking backwards and farwards in a demented fashion. At least the website has made it in Turkey, or at least The Easton Cowboys & Cowgirls have.

The webgimp recieved a very nice email from Immo in Turkey. It reads:

We wrote about Easton Cowboys in our site.
We have a site called “dahke zine” ( as hardcore punk and
football!!! we have prepared 7 issues about punk and football!

The article in question can be found here. The Webgimp can’t read Turkish but it seems to say something about Roger and Jasper.


  1. I like the new website.Thanks for all your work Mr. Gimp.

  2. “they” like the message board… it is green.

  3. Well I like it! It’s clean and easy to read. And the new tweaks look very smart.

    Don’t listen to the naysayers!

    Any chance you can improve the horrible-looking messageboard? 😛

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